Friday, June 19, 2015

Veterinary Technology program has associate and bachelor’s options

The veterinary technology program at Morehead State offers you the chance to turn your love of animals into a successful, rewarding career, providing support services to veterinarians. You can choose to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree (AAS) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
The associate degree program can be completed in three years, and the bachelor’s degree program can be completed in four years, and offers a deeper education in agricultural sciences and electives.  Both programs will prepare you to take the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE).
As a student, you will be able to use what you’ve learned in the classroom in a real-world setting at the Derrickson Agricultural Complex. There, you’ll get hands-on experience working with small animals, livestock and horses.
The programs have a selective admission process, and only accept a limited number of students each year.

For more information, visit


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